Category Archives: Political Theological Analysis
The Dark Enlightenment: Accelerationism and Traditionalism on the Global Right
The November 2016 US General Election marks a new turn in the global political terrain. Long standing, deeply rooted –but hitherto largely hidden– political forces which call themselves the Dark Enlightenment have leveraged a highly anomalous political situation to capture … Continue reading
Against Normalization
Eight years ago, reflecting on President Barack Obama’s first inaugural address, I wrote that : … this man Barack will not be our Moses or our Solon, our Ashoka or our Duke of Chou. Such spirits have already risen in … Continue reading
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Donald Trump
Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. Caussidière for Danton, Louis Blanc for Robespierre, the Montagne of 1848 to … Continue reading
Beyond the Color Line: Rethinking Ethnicity, Empire, and Capital
This is not yet an analysis of the catastrophic election victory of Donald Trump in the US 2016 election. That will be forthcoming, hopefully within a week. But I think it represents an important contribution to understanding what happened in the election … Continue reading
Against Maximalism
The surprising popularity of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination has led many to believe that a “political revolution” is possible on the basis of a presidential campaign, apart from either conscious political-theological leadership or significant … Continue reading
Sanctuary and Commons
The Current Situation Humanity stands at a critical juncture. The arc of development of the Saeculum –the metacivilizational project devoted to transcending finitude and contingency by means of innerworldly, civilizational progress– over the course of the past 500 years is … Continue reading
The Crisis of the Republican Party and the Danger of Fascism
The 2016 US Presidential Primary Election cycle has witnessed a new stage in the disintegration of the Republican Party. Once the principal political vehicle for a visionary –if also deeply flawed– civilizational ideal which joined elements of the Puritan ideal … Continue reading
Engaging Those Left Behind
Among the most important hermeneutic keys to understanding the current political situation in the United States is the recent study released by Anne Case and Angus Deaton showing that, beginning in 1999 death rates among midlife “white” Americans have increased … Continue reading
Against the New Atheism
One of the most remarkable features of the current conjuncture, especially in the United States, is the rise of the New Atheism as a potent ideological force, especially among the Millennial Generation. This has been accompanied by a broader growth … Continue reading
The real meaning of jihadism …
One of the most striking symptoms of our civilization’s current inability to understand itself –and to understand the broader humanity of which it is an expression– is the shock and dismay expressed every time another teen or twenty-something runs off … Continue reading