Category Archives: Uncategorized
Why Theory?
Since I published the first the Preface Against Capital: The Current Crisis and the Crisis in Theory I have realized that there is one point that I did not make fully clear. This is, perhaps, because it is so obvious … Continue reading
The Shadow of Empire: Radical Orthodoxy and the Limits of Any Possible Christian Socialism
The third tendency in contemporary political theology which we need to address —Radical Orthodoxy— seems at first to be very different in both its sources and its aims. Where the Dark Enlightenment melds hierarchical traditionalism with right accelerationist technological disruption … Continue reading
Introducing Seeking Wisdom’s Blog
Welcome to our new Blog. Many of you have followed our journal, Seeking Wisdom, and its predecessor, Dialectic, Cosmos, and Society for nearly two decades now and have at least some idea of what Seeking Wisdom is all about. Others … Continue reading